Paintball Camp
Due to popular demand, River Way introduced its Specialty Paintball Program in 2008. Campers enjoy hours of fun experiencing the thrill of competition in River Way’s state-of-the-art Paintball Course!
Under the supervision of River Way’s Paintball Director, campers participate in mini in-house tournaments and learn the basics of refereeing. Campers have fun participating in morning drills and shooting practice, and they work with the same group of friends and campers to improve upon skills they learn day-to-day and to progress as a team. Campers enrolled in the Paintball Camp enjoy 15+ hours of practice, tournaments, and instruction each week.
In addition to morning paintball time several days a week, campers will get to select from our free-choice activity offerings to reflect a varied and exciting schedule, allowing them to sign up for activities with friends who may not be in the paintball specialty program.
We’re continually expanding our menu of kid-friendly activities at River Way. Among our most popular options for summer fun is Paintball Camp. From the first thrilling countdown and the referee’s shout of “Game on!” to all the action-packed strategy on the go, kids love it. Parents love that our paintball camp is safe, supervised, and presented in its own special outdoor environment.
Young paintball players are so busy having fun that they may not even notice they’re also getting healthy aerobic exercise. Playing paintball in groups under adult supervision also provides excellent opportunities for team building, good sportsmanship, and confidence-boosting. The speed and uniqueness of this game make for thrilling summer memories that kids will want to share with all their friends.
Not surprisingly, sign-ups for paintball camp go just about as fast as kids can run! We have a very limited number of spots available for young people ages 10-16 and the maximum number of participants in a session is limited to 14 players. So don’t delay, contact us now to ensure that your budding paintball champ gets in on all the action!
Watch Our Epic Paintball Video